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May 2010

Author's Party
Each of the kids in Kaira's class got to write and illustrate their own book. This year's theme was about what they were going to be or do when they grew up. The title of her book is "What Will I Be?". They each got to read their book at the "Author's Party" in front of their classmates and all of the parents. Click on the cover of her book to see the pages inside.

(Click on cover to see the pages inside)

My Little Gardener
Helping me plant some new seeds (which are now big morning glories climbing up the trellis in front of the house!)

Mother's Day
I mostly had to cook my own Mother's Day breakfast, but Kaira helped me with some of it. And definitely helped me eat it!

After breakfast, she had a full day planned out for me. We went down to the Boardwalk (an open air shopping center) where she wanted to take me to get a new outfit for my Build-A-Bear (the one she made me for Mother's Day last year), visit the chocolate shop, and stop for ice cream, among other things. She had a busy day planned for the two of us! I was already in the middle of studying for my big board test by the time Mother's Day rolled around, so I welcomed the rare chance to be able to take a day off from studying - it was one of 2 full days I took off during 7 weeks of studying! We had a great time wandering around the Boardwalk and hanging out.

Kaira also bought herself a bubble gun, which she's been wanting for a while, and had a blast blowing bubbles everywhere we went.

Field Day
The annual Field Day at Kaira's school - relay races, three-legged race, long jump, sack races and much more!

Three-legged race with her friend, Analeigh.

Jump over the hurdles, bounce on the ball, put your forehead on the bat and spin round & round 10 times, then RUN back to the start line as fast as you can!
This event was girls vs. boys... and the girls won!

Class relay races... baton race and soccer race (Kaira's class won both!!)

Kaira showing off some of the ribbons she had won. I forgot to take another picture at the end of the day, but she collected about 7 assorted ribbons by the time all of the events were over.

The Long Jump

Getting ready for the sack race to start

And the final event of Field Day - Tug of War!! Kaira takes tug of war VERY seriously! The look on her face cracks me up.

Dance Recital
The girls backstage waiting for the show to start

Kaira showing off her recital costume

After the show with the roses I got her for doing such a good job!

End-of-the-Year Parties
With the end of the school year comes end-of-year parties. The first graders celebrated their last day of school by going bowling.

You may remember from a several months ago, I mentioned one of Kaira's kindergarten classmates, Jocelyn, had a mom who was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma (which is a very horrible diagnosis to have). The is the one that I ran the half marathon for last year, to raise money for Miles for Melanoma. Candice was doing very well with the chemo therapy for a while, but unfortunately after fighting for several months, she passed away a couple weeks before school ended. Jocelyn and her family decided to move to be closer to family right after the school year ended, so everyone threw Jocelyn a big going away party. We have her address at her new house, so hopefully Kaira and her can be pen pals.

The end of the school year also meant the end of the soccer season... so of course we had to have a party for that too!

* Puppies! *
Chloe had a litter of puppies on April 10th... 5 puppies, all girls. It was a bit of a surprise that she was pregnant because Chloe is 8 1/2 and has never been in heat, or been pregnant previously (despite being around several male dogs throughout the years). So I guess she was a bit of a late bloomer. But Kaira was ecstatic to have five puppies to play with for several weeks. She actually wanted to keep ALL five puppies, and was upset at the idea of having to give them away. But when the time came, we had no trouble at all finding homes for all of the cute little buggers... except for the one that I finally agreed to let Kaira keep.

Day old puppies... and two day old puppies...

Puppies at 2 weeks old... eyes finally opened...

1 month old - finally big enough for Kaira to really get to play with. By this point, they were running all over the place, play fighting with each other, and basically just a ton of fun to watch. Kaira would spend hours in the "puppy room" just playing with them.

6 weeks old, and finally old enough to start looking for good homes for them to go to...

And this is the one that we ended up keeping... Sierra, at 1 month old, and 6 wks old.

Kaira loves playing with her new puppy! Sitting on the couch watching a movie together...

Kaira & Sierra curled up in the reading chair... both sound asleep!

Playing tug-of-war with the puppy

And Sierra 'playing' with Kaira in her room... or at least patiently watching while Kaira played.

And Kaira and Sierra all dressed up in pink

A Day in Alexandria
Studying for my big board test has been keeping me super busy (like 10-14 hr/day, 7 days a week, for 7 weeks!), so we haven't had the chance to make it down to Baton Rouge for a visit in a little while. Kaira and Lokei were BEGGING to see each other, so we finally arranged to meet halfway in Alexandria one Saturday so that they could hang out for a few hours. We checked out the Alexandria Zoo and went swimming. It was nice to take a few hours off (even though I listened to audio lectures in the car), and the girls had a good time hanging out with each other for the day.

At the Alex Zoo... feeding the fish, checking out the monkeys, riding the zoo train...

And then on to the pool to cool of and splash around...

* Soccer *
I've been taking pictures at the soccer games all season long, but have been putting the pictures all into one big file to be sorted through at a future date, and just now finally getting to them. Since I haven't really posted any soccer pictures in the last few month's pages, I figured I would just put the pictures from all of the games all season together on one page. Click to see the rest...

(Click on picture to see more pictures from the Spring season)

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