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May 2011

May brings lots of end-of-the-year excitement and activities... from things at school like Field Day and the school musical to the big Dance Recital... It's also finally the end of the year for me and I have a very well needed 4 week vacation block awaiting me this summer!!

Field Day

Baton race... long jump... broad jump...

Sack races!

Taking a quick cool-down break with a snow cone... and three-legged races...

And the big event of the day... the kids take this one very seriously... the TUG OF WAR!!!

Spring Musical

Kaira in her costume for her school's annual Spring Musical

On stage, singing and dancing...

Star Reading Test
At the end of each year, the kids get tested to see what grade level they are reading at... Kaira's grade equivalent (GE) at the end of 2nd grade was 5.2 (5th grade, 2nd month)!!!

Book Character Day
Each of the kids in Kaira's class had to pick a book character to dress up as... Kaira chose Amelia Bedelia. Here she is in her costume...

Kaira and her soccer team were undefeated in their age group last season (Fall 2010), so for the Spring season, we decided to bump them up into the next age group up. This season, they were playing against kids that were bigger and faster than they were. Also the field and goals were bigger than before, and instead of 4 team members on stage at a time, they now play with 6 and have to start learning positions. And they are the only all-girl team in the league! Especially with all that they were up against, they did really well. They certainly weren't undefeated this season (but they did win a few!), but they learned a LOT and had a good time learning all those new skills. Our girls did great!

The end-of-the-season team soccer pic...

Dance Recital!

Kaira was in two dance classes this year - Ballet and Jazz, and had a separate costume and dance for each...


Back stage before the beginning of the show, posing in her jazz costume...

On stage dancing to "Born to be Wild!"...


Showing off her beautiful costume before going on stage...

And a couple of pictures of her onstage...

After the end of the recital with her bouquet of roses

Relay 4 Life
I have been co-captain for my med school class's Relay 4 Life team, and each year as part of our effort to raise funds, our booth at the event includes animal balloons (which I had to learn how to do for this even during my first year of med school!!) and face painting. Kaira looks forward to it every year and loves helping us out. She also loves getting to play with all of the balloon creatures we make.

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